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Light or Dark Hardwood Floors?

Light or Dark Hardwood Floors?

05 Nov, 2021  /  by canopyadmin

The question is…Do I use light or dark hardwood floors?

If you are looking at different light or dark hardwood floors the first question would be if you should use a light or dark hardwood floor.

Hardwood flooring has four main tones: light, cool, dark, and warm. These tones can affect the overall look and feel of the house. There are a few different things to keep in mind when choosing your flooring.

Which is the easiest to keep clean?

While people will debate this topic, the truth is that light colored floors are easier to keep clean. This can be a selling point if you have pets or like to keep your windows open. Open windows bring in a considerable amount of dust from outside and will be noticeable on dark floors.

Which shows more scratches?

While hardwood floors are gorgeous they can show a lot of scratches and marks. People tend to see more scratches and dings in darker wood flooring. This is because when that top layer is chipped off a lighter layer underneath is exposed and brings more attention to the ding. If you decide on a dark hardwood floor, there are different cleaning options to choose from, no matter how many scratches you have.

Is there a cost difference?

Typically the cost between light and dark hardwood is minimal. You will see the most differences in price between hardwood flooring and engineered hardwood.

Personal Preferences

At the end of the day deciding the flooring color best suited for your house is a personal decision. Take into consideration your lifestyle and durability you need as well as your personal style. If you are attracted to cooler tones then go that way. Your floor will be there to help elevate your house.

Floor colors are known to impact the way we perceive the size of a room. While some colors make a room look larger than others, the same can be said about making a room feel smaller.

  • Brown has a feeling of comfort and inspires nature.
  • White has a feeling of cleanliness and happiness.
  • Black has a feeling of sophistication and power.
  • Specific colors are used by interior designers in a variety of ways.

If you need help along the way, call our hardwood flooring professionals or contact us online today.

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