September is here and so is your home checklist! Check out what you need to-do this month as we transition to fall. Weatherstripping If you have older windows it may be helpful to replace weather stripping to help retain heat and stop cool drafts. Remove Window AC Units If you use a window air conditioning ...
August is here and just like that so is your August Checklist! August can be a stressful time getting the kids back to school and unwinding from all summertime activities. Here are some things to check off the list that will only take an hour or less. Outdoor Projects Do you have any outdoor projects ...
Summer officially begins today! Here are a few items for your home checklist that you can achieve in under an hour!!! Empty Standing Water This is the best way to steer clear of mosquitos. Make Your MUST-Do List This list holds all the things you have to do before summer ends. Be sure to include ...
Set Your Alarm! One small step towards the perfect Mother’s Day is getting up early and making her tea or coffee as well as setting up the perfect place for her to relax. Breakfast Next, who doesn’t love a delicious breakfast spread. Especially if you do not have to make it! Help her out by ...
How to get the look of wood for less! Laminate floors may appear to look like wood flooring but actually they are not. Laminate floors are completely crafted by a manufacturer. They can be designed to look like anything but the most popular option is wood. However, options such as ceramic tile or slate are ...
You have chosen the perfect flooring for your home and now on to an equally important decision. No matter what type of flooring you choose from wood, to laminate, and even plank tiles they way you lay it down will add a lot to the room. Straight and horizontal patterns are the most common but ...
When it comes to decorating our homes, we have to start from the ground up. The flooring we choose should be both aesthetically pleasing and practical for use. Many homeowners desire hardwood flooring, because they give a homey atmosphere. They are beautiful, while also being practical. But, there is more to the selection of your ...