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Carpet Cleaning Tips That Will Make You the Expert

Carpet Cleaning Tips That Will Make You the Expert

15 Nov, 2017  /  by canopyadmin

Let’s face it, accidents happen despite our best efforts to keep our carpet and hardwood floors clean. Here are 10 tips for cleaning your carpet when the unfortunate accident happens.

Blotting is Better than Rubbing.

When you rub a stain into carpet the particle will move around getting deeper in the carpet. Blotting will allow the spill to soak up. Apply a small amount of cleaning solution and use a clean cloth, paper towels, or a sponge.

Using Club Soda

The right way to use club soda to rid stains. Begin by blotting a beer or wine stain with the club soda on the cloth. If that isn’t getting the stain up try mixing one part white vinegar with one part water and pour into a spray bottle to soak the stain after a few minutes then absorb the solution with a sponge or paper towels.

Shaving Cream is a Life Savior

Next time you see an ordinary stain run to the bathroom cabinet and grab the shaving cream. Ordinary shaving cream will remove almost all general stains. Apply it to the stain and wait 30 minutes. Before cleaning it up blow the cream away. After the shaving cream is gone spray it down with the one part vinegar and one part water and absorb it with a cloth.

Sticky Gum

We drag in outside dirt all the time. The worst is when we even bring in some gum that stuck the bottom of our shoes. Grab an ice cube and freeze it off! After its frozen solid use a spoon to lift it up and cut as close as possible. The amount missing should be so minimal no one will notice.


We get it, grease gets to the best of us. Use your grease cutting dishwashing detergent mixed in some water. It will cut through the grease stain just like it does on your dishes.


Everyone loves candles until the wax drips onto the carpet. A quick and easy way to get it up is to place a white cloth over the dried wax and use an iron to lift it up and scrape the remaining off with a butter knife.

Hydrogen Perioxide is a Solution

The only thing worse than getting hurt is the blood stain that follows. Hydrogen Peroxide will remove blood all day long. For dried blood mix water and mild detergent to loosen as much blood off as possible.

Pet Accidents

No matter how well trained the animal they can have an accident. If you tend to lean more towards organic cleaners brands such as Eco-Spot can be perfect and easy to remove these stains and others like coffee and a variety of sauces.

Sweet Treats

If you have a sweet tooth its only an amount of time before something drops on the floor. To clean up hard candy first scrape it up with a butter knife. Then using a sponge to apply water mixed with soap then dry it up. It is important to make sure all the sugar was removed so dirt and debris won’t be trapped as easily.

Steam Clean Regularly

The key to keep looking brand new is to steam clean regularly. Regularly means something different for each family, the common standard is every six months for a family of four. Steam cleaning involves shooting pressured cleaning solution and sucking it back out collecting the dirt that had been deep within the fibers.

When you decide that you would like to purchase new carpet, tile, LVT or hardwood flooring contact one of our professionals at (864) 595-3850 for all of your flooring needs.

We hope you enjoyed reading about tips to keep your carpet clean. Please keep in mind that we suggest you try these cleaning tips on a small area of the carpet first. These tips are suggestions and not guaranteed.